My name is Morten Kals, and I am enrolled in the Engineering Physics program at UBC.
I made this website to give a sense of who I am and show some of my technical projects.
Below is a general overview of related items and links. Use the navbar to access a more comprehensive organization of the contents.
The UBC Ecohydrology research group collects data continuously from streams all across the lower mainland to study how land use practices influence interactions between hydrological and ecological processes. For my second Capstone project, I worked on developing a pico hydropower generator that the Ecohydrology group can deploy in remote streams to power their sensor systems.
Erik and I started an online 3D printer hub through 3D Hubs two summers ago. We provide 3D printing services to local Vancouver customers.
Building upon the “Getting Things Done” workflow of David Allen, I am engaged in an ongoing effort to optimise efficiency by adopting and developing my ability to remain on schedule and effectively prioritising efforts between coursework, examinations, and projects.